When a larva makes its cocoon for metamorphoses it goes through a gelatinous state where unicorn cells with the new genetic information travel in search of each other. They wade through a sea of toxic degrading cellular material who’s duty is to test the unicorn cells preventing the weak from completing the evolution into their next form. If and when these unicorn cells find each other they are able to complete their transformation emerging from their cocoon with wings for a new way of life. Dealing with adversity and flying above as a beautiful expression of diversity, The Butterfly iz another example of how Earth’s Art Works!
In the face of Adversity bank on Diversity
ERBiz putting human ingenuity back to work to; Define, Refine, Research, and Develop Business practices that Regenerate Ecology on Earth.
Earth has the right to Biodiversity!
Roots Rock Regenerate
There’s a lot of dirt on the internet but there is not a lot of virtual soil. Coming soon to ERBizapp our first project demonstrating Ecologically Regenerative Business we enable conscientious consumers to invest in regenerational wealth by putting their money where their mouth is by building rich biodiverse soil.
Why Wait lets Regenerate
Stay tuned

We’re all GEO engineers, our impact is inevitable change being the only constant are intention is crucial in coevolving the future we desire.